// This function takes an object that matches the shape of the objects in the array
// that are passed into it and applies the filter on each cooresponding key value
function filterArray(array: wrestlersInterface[], filters: any) {
const filterKeys = Object.keys(filters);
return array.filter((item: any) => {
// validates all filter criteria
return filterKeys.every((key: string) => {
// ignores non-function predicates
if (typeof filters[key] !== "function") return true;
return filters[key](item[key]);
Example implementation
function onRangeFormSubmit(formData: unknown) {
const isValid = rangeFormSchema.parse(formData);
const filters = {
age: (age: number) => age >= isValid.ageRange && age <= isValid.ageRange2,
weight: (weight: number) =>
weight >= isValid.weightRange && weight <= isValid.weightRange2,
WAR: (WAR: number) => WAR >= isValid.WARrange && WAR <= isValid.WARrange2,
let newArray = filterArray(placeHolderWrestlers, filters);
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