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Stop apple from messing with styles


June 21, 2023

Stop Apple From Styling

-webkit-apearance: none;

Example that stops apple from messing with inputs

.input-checkbox {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  /* border-radius: 0; */

Stop Apple From Messing With Screen Size

body {
  min-height: 100vh;
  min-height: -webkit-fill-available;

Stop Apple From Messing With z-index

/* On element that should be on top */

-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);

Final Remarks

Why does apple think that they should change the way css works? I've pondered the question for many hours; do they like watching us struggle to find esoteric solutions to their weird browser behaivore? Maybe, but I think it is more complicated than that. Apple has a sense of entitlement that can only come from the fact that almost everyone buys their phone. Even tho it has been steadily improving less and less from one year to the next. So what does this teach them? "Obviously I don't need to try and improve I just need to be me. Whether I improve or not doesen't change how many people use my phones so why do it in my web browser?" What can we as developers and consumbers take from this lesson? It's quite simple actually... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD OR WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE IN PLEASE USE CHROME!

Thank you for reading my rant hope it was entertaining :)