Command Line
Ls Lists the items/ available folders
Ls -l Shows if it's a file or folder (starts with”-” = file “dr”= folder)
Cd Puts you in the folder you type
Cp Copies file & folder
Mv Can move a file to a different
Rename The command I'll use is this: "mv OtherStuff/ OtherThings"
Mk dir Makes new folder
Deleting stuff Rm (file) rm -rf (folders/directories)
Touch makes a new document
Pwd Prints the directories you’re in
Git Hub
Git- Committing
- First get to the folder then git init
- Then git add . (once you do this you can use commit -am “ “)
- Git commit -m “Name/ Description of commit”
- git remote add origin (Link that you copy from the repository)
- git branch -m main
- git push -u origin main
Checking things
- git status
- git fetch{Allows you to pull other remote branches that were created by other people}
- git tree{Should learn about}
Undoing things
Remove leaked file git filter-branch --force --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch ./.env" --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all > use git log to view commits
- Git Revert
- {Undoes anything done in the specific commit
- (Must type :wq if screen pops up)}
- Git Reset
- {Removes commits and goes back to a previous
- (does not change working directory *git reset a43dg7 --hard will change)
- Git branch
- {Shows the branches you have}
- Git checkout -b name
- {Makes new branch}
- git checkout -
- Goes to last branch you were in
- Git checkout name
- {Switches between branches}
- Git diff name
- {Shows differences between the two branches}
- Git merge name
- {Merges the changes onto current branch}
- Git branch -d name
- {Deletes branch *if it's been merged (-D works if branch has not been merged)}
- Git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
- Shows all branches
- git diff branch1..branch2
- Shows differences between branches (add --name-only to only check files)
- git merge main --no-commit --no-ff -X theirs
- This will essentially make the current branch EXACTLY (will delete extra files on working branch) like main without actually merging anything
Git hub lecture
- git diff allows you to see the current changes in a file
- git patch (git add -p FileName) lets you see the changes in the file and it will ask you if you want to add them to the staging area
- Git log logs past commits
- Git log --graph --oneline --decorate logs past commits nicely
- git merge --abort aborts the merge (Good if you have a merge conflict you fucked up)
- git rebase BranchName Like a merge but rewrites commit history
- git stash Stores locally
- git stash save Message saves a message to the stash
- git stash pop
- git stash list lists all stashes
- git stash apply 1 pops the stash at index 1
FireShip Git
- git pull is really a fetch and a merge
- git fork
- You say git push origin BranchName
- Fixing shit
- git reset --hard HEAD~1 This will remove the last commit
- git reset 5632fdtftdf635ddfstayfjh4743 Doesen't remove the other commits
- git revert 4563fdtfdeyw5dew -m "this is a revert"
- git commit --amend -m(or --no-edit to add staged files to past commit)
- git squash Bundle commits
- git rebase master --interactive
- switch pick to squash on the commits you wan to bundle into the commit with pick